In that space between sleeping and waking, when your consciousness is
most open, Asvard heard a voice. “Asvard, you have triumphed on this
board, but it is time for you move onto another.” The female voice
“Who is there?” Asvard asked reaching out
with his awareness. The room Asvard was in fell away and his vision
blurred and refocused to reveal a figure coming towards him.
“It is I, the Lady of Strategy.” Came
the reply. A tall female figure, clad in full plate with her helmet
lowered rode into view on the back of a red horse. Her shield and a
lance were stowed at the sides of her saddle, and her sword hung easily
at her hip. He could feel the power from this Exarch of Tempus. She
rode up beside the cleric, crossed her arms on the horn of her saddle
and leaned down to speak to him.
“It was I who caused you to become lost
in this cursed land. I had need of an agent who could work
independently and with confidence away from direct instruction. You
could never have known, but there are pieces in motion that require
countering. Myrkul has transformed one of his followers, who now goes
by the name of Count Ruger, into a vampire and has given the foul being
dominion over an army of undead. Even now they march along the Black
Road across the Anauroch desert, making for the pass near Llorkh and
will arrive there in three days’ time. You must take that what you have
acquired and learned and help the resistance force that is being sent
even as we speak.”
Asvard was speechless. In the days that he
had been in this cursed land, it had never occurred to this that there
may have been a reason for his presence. Strahd himself had claimed
that they were there for his amusement. A surge of Asvard’s barbarian
anger flared in his chest, but the Grandmaster of Lanceboard cut him off
with a word.
“You are one of mine Asvard, of course I
would move you to where it best fit my strategy. But still, you were
only just a pawn when this game was in its first moves. You were not
prepared to meet with a vampire as you were but 10 days ago, so I sent
you to another board, out of Myrkul sight. The odds were long against
you, yes. But you have persevered, you have triumphed over your
adversary, and have crossed the eighth rank. No longer are you a pawn,
but you have been promoted to a knight. And as such, your new station
calls for a mount.” The Red Knight turned and whistled long and high,
and from the darkness beyond Asvard heard the clattering of hooves.
“Rest now and in the morning prepare to ride to Llorkh.”
Asvard awoke with a start. He knew immediately that he had crossed into
a new level of familiarity with his gods. He even knew that should he
call upon Tempus, there was a chance that he would receive the Lord of
Battle’s direct influence. Such awesome power and responsibility.
Asvard lay down and quickly fell to a deep and restful sleep.
next morning when Asvard went outside, he could see an animal come
galloping down the road. Moving impossibly fast it was soon standing by
Asvard’s side. A horse with eight legs, a Sleipnir stood patiently. On
his hooves (all eight of them) were magically enhances horseshoes
(Horseshoes of Speed) and around the forelegs on all his front legs were
platinum bands with runes carved into them. On his back was a saddle
(Saddle of the Cavalier) with a pair of magical saddle bags (bags of
holding). As Asvard stroked the great creature’s neck, he heard a voice
in his head.
“Come Priest of the Red Knight and Lord of
Battles, we have many miles to cover to Llorkh. I am
Ahlerich” Said the
Slepnir Telepathically.
“And my name is Asvard. Will you be staying
with me in Llorkh, Ahlerich?” Asvard asked
“My kind hate the undead and I would like
nothing more. But who can tell what the future holds? Come, we must be
on our way.”
Asvard stowed his gear, climbed upon the
Slepnir, and with the speed of a bolt fired from a heavy crossbow they
shot away.