Character interactions are just that, CHARACTER interactions. When playing as your character, nothing is personal in any way and is completely unrelated to real life. Bottom line, we’re all here to have fun so ‘what happens in game, stays in game.’ However, that is not an excuse to be overtly abusive or a douchebag using the excuse, "But that's what my character would do." Common sense rules the day.
There are a lot of players at this table so it is difficult
to listen/pay attention, especially when everyone is talking. I am certainly in
no way discouraging any type of social interactions (in or out of game), but we
all need to work to find a way to make conversing a little more coordinated.
When over talking occurs, it is hard for everyone at the table to follow
what's going on in the moment. I honestly do not have a solution nor am I
looking to make it so rigid that we need to make some type of table rule.
Just putting it out there for all to be cognizant of when we're playing. Nonetheless, when
the DM is talking, it's worth stopping all conversation and listening. Why?
Because generally,
it's probably something important for the group. Again, this is NOT
discouraging roleplay, but something for all of us to keep in mind.
Please post all resource items in Roll20 chat for reference. For example,
if you use x hit dice and gain x hit points, just toss that in chat. If
you use any consumable items from your inventory, please post in chat.
Along the same lines, if you receive anything (consumable or otherwise), please
post in Roll20 chat. It makes it easier for all to track that way.
AOE spells will be adjudicated based on where the caster places a mark where the center of the AOE spell will discharge. Measure as you see fit, but after the mark is placed, there would be no changing it. What I'm saying is if you think you measure correctly and a fellow player ends up in the 'splash zone', it is what is. Conversely if you expected an enemy to be affected and isn't, same deal; it is what it is.
Please be sure to state the level of the spell being cast when you use that action. It may or may not hit, but whatever level you chose before the outcome is what will be used.
DMs Play Style
So this section is to let everyone know where I stand
regarding my DM'ing style, how I approach the rules, and other misc info.
I am all for being creative. I love seeing creative solutions being come
up with; it's very exciting!! Be that as it may, I'm also particular
when it comes to the rules of D&D. Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has given
the community several great books and online resources so I generally do my best
to abide by all those rules. This doesn't mean I won't bend them (or break
them). It also doesn't mean that you as players can't bend (or
break) them.
This section was difficult to put into words without me coming across as some type of megalomaniac. Fundamentally, there needs to be some type of order and structure at the table. The DM's role is to try to keep that order while still keeping everyone engaged, having fun, and tell a compelling story. That being said, what the DM says regarding rule adjudication, dice rolls, NPC stats, combat encounters, how NPC's would react, etc., is not up for debate during the game and at the table. That doesn't mean you can't feel free to let me know AFTER the session. If you feel I really flubbed something, was out of line, screwed up an obvious rule, and so on, tell me after the session or email/private message me on facebook. I need and want that kind of input to become a better DM, but not when the game is in progress.
I try to make the sessions as entertaining and immersive as possible. As most of you have seen, I'll print maps, give handouts, show pictures, make sounds, etc. My personality makes it hard for me to remember that I'm there to tell a story and have fun myself! I tend to take DM'ing too seriously sometimes and I don't want my real life personality flaws to take away from your experience. So again, let me know out of game where I can improve.
Session 0.1 (updated 12/08/2020)We tried a new thing on 12/04 and I honestly liked it. Granted, it still could use some tweaks, but I think it should work. Please don't by shy to communicate your opinions on this experiment. I want feedback to make it better. It's a work in progress.
At the beginning of each session there will be a "Reaction / Turn Order" roll. It will be based on initiative stats. This roll will determine the order of who gets to act/speak first in non-combat situations.
Phase 1 – Intent
Each player gets their turn to ask/speak about the current environment described by the DM based on the order. At this time, each player would convey their INTENT. Once this phase is complete and each player indicates their intent, there is no going back. This would also include speaking to NPC's. It will give each player a turn to ask their question or make their statement and hopefully minimize everyone talking over each other. That's not an admonishment by any means; I love the role play part. I'm just thinking it would give everyone a chance to interact and would be easier for everyone to hear.
During this phase only the current active player should be speaking and declaring what they want to do.Phase 2 – Perform Action
At more or less the same time, all the different characters intents are executed as an action. This is not the ‘action’ terminology used in the books regarding combat, but the actual process of whatever the player intended to do.
Again, this generally will get resolved at the same time.Phase 3 – Resolution
The consequences or results of the intended actions are resolved and carried out. This phase could have several results based on each players intended action.
Custom / Optional Rules (updated 2/23/2021)
Attacks from directly behind
A player will have advantage on attack if DIRECTLY behind an enemy. Conversely, if an enemy is DIRECTLY behind a player, the enemy would have advantage. This a simplified version of the flanking rules in the DMG. If this becomes to cumbersome we'll scrap it. Basic example is below.
Massive Damage / Tumble / Disarm (chatted about this in Discord on 2/4/2021)
As we all know, this is a role playing game. You as
players may know a great deal of D&D info and have may have even played Curse of
Strahd (or Ravenloft) in the past. That is NOT a problem in any way! The
caveat to that is to please be sure to play your characters as to what THEY
know, not what you know. For example, you could know (as a D&D player) that a
troll has regeneration abilities and only acid/fire stops that regeneration. But
would your character know that? Using out of game info isn’t fun for other
players and ultimately makes it less challenging for you. Don't get me
wrong . . . I understand it’s not easy to separate that type of knowledge;
I am a player in a home game so I get it. Please just try to keep that in the
back of your mind.
If it's not extremely apparent by now, I am NOT a web
designer!!! I muddle my way through it. If you're reading this
on your phone, good luck because I made it on a computer with no thoughts to
mobility viewing!
I am MORE than open to any suggestions, additions, changes, to this site to help
make it worth you visiting here. Please don't be shy about letting me
know. As I said at the table, I have thick skin and you're not going to
hurt my feelings. That includes anything you think could be more helpful
to you as players. This would be including (but not limited to), layout,
color scheme, any important notes I missed in the summaries, and so on.
Let me have it, cuz I can take it! Please also remember, because I'm not a
designer, I don't know how to do any 'fancy' web stuff. I spent an hour
trying to make wolves howling and bats screeching play when the site first came
up and failed miserably!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to include who I am!
I played D&D back in the mid-80's in middle school. I didn't get back to
it until about 2016 when I got hooked again.
I currently work in information technology and have been doing so since 1989
while I was still in high school. Where I currently work, I support the
servers, infrastructure, users, and communications. Been there a little
over 20 years now.
I'm the epitome of the geek/nerd person. I really enjoy all sci-fi / fantasy type stuff. The only thing that may set me apart from that stereotype, is that I have no qualms about being in front of people.
I consider myself pretty down to earth. I'm not
easily offended and I try to do my best to be fair and impartial, putting logic
before emotions (insert Spock comment here).
Twitter: @Gandzel
Hanzalf Galanodel
eMail: HanzelMan@gmail.com
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