
Letter to Ireena (found after dire wolf attack at beginning of Session 3).  Where did it go?


Crumpled, dirty sheet of paper, which appeared to be wine labels found on druid bodies at beginning of Session 5

In Session 17, several of these labels were found at The Wizard of Wines in a room with a contraption that could created them.  A
D&D printing press!


Letter to Ireena from the burgomaster of Vallaki (from of Session 10)


The below crest was engraved on the tome which also matched the crest on the letter to Ireena that was found in Session 3.


Approaching The Wizard of Wines winery in Session 15


Approaching Yester Hill toward the end of Session 24


Approaching Krezk and Abbey - Session 33


Berez - Session 37



Blue Water Inn (Vallaki)


The Tower and Wagon - Session 41


Argynvostholt - Session 42



The below may or may not be accurate.  Again, it's what the Barovian's (or other NPC's met) believe to be true.  Your character may know for sure
what is or is not factual.  Some details may also be redundant from other pages on this site.

∙ A vampire can’t enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.
∙ Running water burns a vampire like acid, and sunlight causes a vampire to burst into flame.
∙ Vampires can regenerate their health, unless they take radiant damage or damage from holy water.
∙ If a vampire bites you, you will lose health and it will gain what you lose.
∙ Vampire Spawn are not as strong as a full-fledged vampire, but it's hard to tell the difference by looking at them.

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